This article visits Israel’s near and far constitutional history, focusing on disagreements, controversies, and disputes as the central feature of Israel’s constitution-making.
- General
- GeneralThis article examines the undesirable effects of the devotion to legal citation form, paying particular attention to how this impedes ffree and open access to the law.
- GeneralAs the economic or non-economic activity distinction is of central importance to the Commerce Clause analysis, this article attempts to construct a coherent framework to define this term.
- GeneralThis Article examines the debacle of the DP World transaction, in light of the statute and regulations that govern foreign acquisitions of U.S. assets.
- GeneralThis article looks at two methodologies, originalism and pragmatism, and then outlines a functional approach to New York's Education Article.
- GeneralThis article concludes that the sexual harassment of adolescents differs from that of adults.
- GeneralThis comment focuses on whether NYS supports the extension of the evidentiary attorney-client privilege to state government officials represented by government attorneys.
- GeneralThis comment argues that use of the NY Exeuctive Law section 296(19)(b) increase risk loophole should be limited to the sports employment context.